

Referal Program

Millionaire Machine

Free-Rentals enables guest and host members to quickly become millionaires by owning an equity stake in the Free-Rentals Web 3.0 Vacation Rentals Platform.

As of late 2022, Airbnb had 6M room listings and was valued at $72B USD which equates to a valuation of $12,000 USD per listing.

Free-Rentals currently has 8,042 listings and a forecasted valuation of $600M USD once 500,000 valid listings has been attained, which will equate to a valuation of $1,200 USD per listing.

If you refer a new member to Free-Rentals, who then lists a valid rental accommodation which remains active and valid once our goal of 500,000 listings is achieved, then you will be given a $1,200 USD equity stake in the Free-Rentals Vacation Rentals web 3.0 Platform, which equates to an .002% equity stake per referal listing.
Wealth at Free-Rentals
Can you recruit 835 others to list their rental?
Then you too can become a Free-Rentals millionaire!
835 x $1,200 = $1,002,000 USD

Once our goal of 500,000 listings has been attained, this program of equity in exchange for rental listing referals will discontinue. Each existing member will then be issued $1,200 USD in equity for each of their valid and active referal listings. This process will be managed and enforced by an ERC20 Smart Contract and finalized with issuance of a Security Token Offering.